Thursday, May 19, 2005

Wet wet wet

Despite the threat of rain, I rode out to my garden at Reed. The weather can't make up its mind lately. One minute bright & sunny. Cold & pouring rain the next. Been like that for days. So of course I got soaked.

All the water has made my greens very happy. Unfortunately, the slugs love it too. I thinned out the arugula rows, and in the process killed, without exageration, hundreds of slugs. I ended up with a big bag of arugula that I'm afraid to eat. I made a little sandwich with some of it later, and opened the pieces of bread over and over again to make sure there were nothing sliming around in there. For the next two nights after as well, I dreamt about slugs.

Choys & Sois
I also weeded the bok choi, which resulted in teh discovery that, actually, there were only weeds. There was very little tatsoi to speak of either, and most of those were about to flower, despite their tiny size. I may just pull them all for a stir fry.

My turnips are really doing well, too. They are in serious need of a thinning. I pulled one because it looked like it was getting very big, and there was an adorable little turnip on the bottom of it! I was so excited.

My big siberian kales may have to be pulled out soon, since they are not producing many good leaves anymore and seem determined to bolt (go to flower).

Saw a couple more chard seedlings. Otherwise, everything is mostly the same.


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