Saturday, April 23, 2005

Earth (hugger) Day

It was kind of a busy day at Caruthers Street

Marigolds & tin cans
It was Earth Day, and the celebration here is always a big hippy, dirt hugging extravaganza put on by a local lefty organization. It was very close by my house, and I walked through to see the festival. At one table, they were giving out free Marigolds; so I got two to put in my little tin cans hanging from the fence at home. I put them in when I got home, and they're already super cute.

More sunflowers
If all the sunflowers I planted come in, we'll have to use a machete to get out of the house. Despite that, I put in some more in the front flower beds because another table at Earth Day was giving out free seeds, and I got some giant sunflowers (brand "Fordhook Collection" by Burpee, variety "Mammoth"). The seed packet promises heads 6"-12" across and edible seeds; so I put some in for variety. Why not?

The seed packet only contained eight seeds; that's for $1.79. Over 22 cents per seed. Anyway, I only soaked four of them to plant, and I put them in along the front fence, and some along the back fence. I'm hoping they'll climb up and trail along the tops. They bloom only at night, and smell very sweet. It'll be great on a summer night. That's what I'm hoping anyway.

In the one tiny, shady spot in the back yard flower beds that havn't been sewn with seeds, I planted the remnants of some Coriander/Cilantro seeds from last year. I figured it wouldn't hurt, and if they don't come in, I'll just plant something else later.

Snow Peas
Did basically the same thing in the front herb bed with some leftover snow pea seeds. Picked an empty spot along the fence and stuck in eight seeds, figuring if something grows, great. If not, whatever.

Mystery Greens
In the ziplock bag where I kept my seeds for various greens, there was a collection of miscelaneous unidentified seeds. I think most of them were spinach. In any case, there was a very shady spot underneath the snowball viburnum in our sideyard, and it was well dug and enriched with compost; so I figured I'd give the mixed greens a shot under there. Again, if something grows, great.


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