Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Yet more greens at Reed

Because it was a nice day, I rode down to Reed & stayed as long as I could in the sun doing some garden chores. I dug out the grass in my paths and added some compost to unplanted beds. Also...

I figured I'd better plant my collards if I'm going to. It's getting late for early season planting. Probelm was, I didn't have a prepared bed. So I just gave in and planted them in the designated herb & perennial bed. So they're annual. Whatever. I put in two short rows of seeds. They were Ed Hume seeds packaged for 2005, variety of "Vates."

My friend Heidi gave me all these old heirloom & organic seeds before she left for Holland, and I'm still planting them. Since it's actually getting warm here, I went ahead and put in some basil. Not sure what brand they are; they came in a little (sealed) brown envelope with "Lune Basil" hand written on it in cursive.

Wild Beans
Someone left a big sack of mixed beans (white & some speckled purple) in the "free" area at the community garden. On a whim, I decided to cast them out into a turned bed that I wasn't planning to use for a while. Maybe I'll get some sprouts or something.

At this point, the whole garden is turned & more or less all the beds are prepared and space allocated. From her on out, I'm just going to plant: tomatos, tomatillos, eggplants, hot peppers, zucchini, and delicata squash. I've started seeds for all of them and have sprouts for everything except the hot peppers.

Veggie Liberation Front
There's a garden plot near mine that's been abandoned. It was unused all of last year, and noone's been there yet this spring. It's filled with weeds, and the surviving garden plants are scattered around and overpowered by the invaders. I took a little rhubarb from the plot last fall (they still have a lot). And today, I took some sad swiss chard plants for my home garden. If the garden stays unused, I may harvest a little rhubard for pies & such.


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