Potato surprise
Two days ago at Reed:
Someone was giving away some interesting red potatos that were sprouting. So on a whim, I turned the soil in a spot that I wasn't using ands put in a potato patch.
Also, I pulled out the two Italian kale plants that lasted through the winter. They were determined to flower, and I think their quality sufferes if that happens. So I harvested the whole plants and make a mess a' greens, as they say in the South.
Yesterday at Caruthers:
Turned more beds and enriched them with compost. Also dug in the last small flower bed in the median next to the street.
I found these interesting terra cotta tube things a few weeks ago. I think they're, like, sections of chimney flues. Anyway I half burried them in a flower bed and filled them with soil. They'll hopefully be cute little "raised beds" with flowers growing out of them.
Morning Glories
A few days ago, I burried some Morning Glory seeds around the edges of the fence and near anything tall that they might like to climb. After soaking them overnight, some of them were already sprouting, which gives me some hope for good results.
Otherwise, I might not plant any seeds for a while until it warms up.
Someone was giving away some interesting red potatos that were sprouting. So on a whim, I turned the soil in a spot that I wasn't using ands put in a potato patch.
Also, I pulled out the two Italian kale plants that lasted through the winter. They were determined to flower, and I think their quality sufferes if that happens. So I harvested the whole plants and make a mess a' greens, as they say in the South.
Yesterday at Caruthers:
Turned more beds and enriched them with compost. Also dug in the last small flower bed in the median next to the street.
I found these interesting terra cotta tube things a few weeks ago. I think they're, like, sections of chimney flues. Anyway I half burried them in a flower bed and filled them with soil. They'll hopefully be cute little "raised beds" with flowers growing out of them.
Morning Glories
A few days ago, I burried some Morning Glory seeds around the edges of the fence and near anything tall that they might like to climb. After soaking them overnight, some of them were already sprouting, which gives me some hope for good results.
Otherwise, I might not plant any seeds for a while until it warms up.
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