Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Caruthers roundup

Been doing a lot of planting around Caruthers Street. Mostly, it's been flowers, since my roommate decided we needed some cool colors to compliment all of the yellows & oranges in the yard. She went and got some lariope, and some other blue & purple bedding flowers, and planted them in the front. Our flower beds are looking great now.

Another thing I planted is a mystery weed that I think is feverfew. I found it growing in a weedy patch on the side of the house and moved it to the front because I liked the little white flowers.

The sunflowers I planted first this season (next to the fence) are almost three feet high & will probably be blooming soon.

The cosmos in the median go their first bloom yeaterday. Purple & cute.

The species cannas have started to bloom finally. Nice to have some red in the front.

All of the naturtiums everywhere are now blooming in profusion. All of the little clumps of them in the front are still small, but blooming well nonetheless. The hanging planters on the back portch look wonderful.

Planted some sprouting garlics a couple of days ago. Might get a bed of scapes out of it by fall. Put them in the border in the back yard, since very little else wants to grow back there.

Planted some thai hot peppers in the front and in a small pot a couple of days ago. They're still very small, but I'm hoping the room will help them. Whatever. I scraped the seeds from out of a pepper; so anything that comes of it will be great.

For about a week now, there have been red strawberries on my plants. They're mostly just decorative, since the slugs usually get them before I do. The ones I ate were tasty though.

All of the more recently planted sunflowers have been reluctant to sprout. I've havn't gotten more than one or two seeds to germinate. I'll just have to plant more! It's warm now. Maybe they'll sprout finally.


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