Monday, July 11, 2005

just updates

At Reed...

-pulled more Turnips & snow peas
-Arugulas are developing interesting bean-like seed pods
-red potatos are dying off, possible from sickness, possibly because it's time to dig them out
-there were a few raspberries, as usual
-elephant garlics are in full bloom
-the mystery red beans are forming large pods
-the acorn & delicata squashes have suddenly taken off and are huge
-roma tomatos are coming in well

Despite the fact that every year people have more zucchini than they can handle, I bought and put in another one. It was a "black beauty" from Wildcat Mountain Farm.

Also put in a regular thyme in the herb & perennial bed. It was a seedling that was abandoned by another gardener here, who bought two trays of expensive organic vegetable & herb starts, then left them to die in the sun for the last couple of months. Finally, after they were almost all dead, I picked up a few struggling survivors and set them out. I prefer to think of it as horticultural rescue, rather than theft.


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