Monday, February 28, 2005

Spring in the air

Well, this post, my first, seems destined to be deleted. But here goes...

For a few years now, I've been keeping notes on when plants are blooming or fruiting here in Portland. And, in an effort to broaden that efort, I'm starting this little blog to document my observations and, more importantly, my own gardening projects.

Since late summer in 2003, I've been working on a 20' x 20' plot in a community garden in Southeast Portland, on the grounds of Reed College. Last year, 2004, I got a late start and had mostly unimpressive results. Nonetheless, I ate a non-stop supply of vegetables all summer, fall, and early winter.

Here's a link to Portland's Community Gardens at the Parks & Rec website:

This particular program is 30 years old, but next year may be its last. The administration of the parks dept. is trying to eliminate all funds for community gardens, effectively shutting them down. In case you give a crap, here's a link about that at Portland Indymedia:

So I've read a few books, made a few lists, drawn a little diagram of my humble plot, and now I'm ready to dig, while you, dear reader, can follow my every shovelfull.

=== My OTHER garden project ===

I also have wide borders around my yard at home. I'm planning a lot of flowers and such. Stay tuned for all the action.


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